IPA: ɪntɝkʌnˈɛkʃʌn
- A connection (physical or logical) between multiple things
- Connecting renewable-energy systems to the power grid
Examples of "interconnection" in Sentences
- The reaction to the growing interconnection is a creeping "social psychosis."
- Infinite interconnection is an idea both beguiling and intuitively true, but long displaced by a default fragmentation.
- MR. STEINBERG: I have a parallel answer to Lael's answer on NTT interconnection, which is that we are having ongoing discussions.
- I also suggest that it can be argued (with evidence) that this quantum interconnection is a key element for consciousness in living things.
- The love of system, of interconnection, which is perhaps the inmost essence of the intellectual impulse, can find free play in mathematics as nowhere else.
- It considers humanity and humility, our preposterous smallness in a vast world, the idea of interconnection, the possibility of love, the breath of creation, the spiritual value of journey.
- Secretary Chu announced the release of a $60 million solicitation seeking proposals to develop long-term interconnection plans in each of the regions, which will include dialogue and collaboration among states within an interconnection on how best to meet the area's long-term electricity supply needs.
- However the commission is mindful of the need to "avoid a disproportionate disturbance to the business plans of stakeholders that have committed significant investments in telecommunications infrastructure in Fiji, as well as the need to give legal and commercial certainty to investors on long-term interconnection rates so as to manage effectively their respective businesses".