
IPA: ɪntɝkɑntʌnˈɛntʌɫ


  • Taking place between two or more continents.
  • Having the ability to travel between continents.

Examples of "intercontinental" in Sentences

  • (Italy) and Japan - adding further credibility to its 'intercontinental' label.
  • -- Elise SoukupTechnology: Broadening the BandThe word "intercontinental" usually evokes thoughts of planes, not music.
  • The START negotiations aim to reduce U.S. and Russian long-range nuclear weapons, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles carried on submarines.
  • The Iranians already have missiles that can reach Europe, even if they are not technically "intercontinental" in the sense of having a range of 5000 km.
  • The pact would limit the United States and Russia to roughly 1,500 deployed long-range nuclear warheads each, and 700 delivery systems such as intercontinental ballistic missiles or heavy bombers.
  • As written, the pact would limit the United States and Russia to roughly 1,500 deployed long-range nuclear warheads, and 700 delivery systems such as intercontinental ballistic missiles and heavy bombers.
  • If ratified, it would limit the United States and Russia to roughly 1,500 deployed long-range nuclear warheads each, and 700 delivery systems such as intercontinental ballistic missiles and heavy bombers.

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