IPA: ɪntɝdɪpˈɛndʌnt
- Mutually dependent; reliant on one another.
Examples of "interdependent" in Sentences
- This concept is sometimes referred to as the interdependent utility.
- A long-term interdependent couple is a long-term interdependent couple, no matter what the gender or sexuality of the people in it.
- But its all-pervasiveness also means the origin of all things in their interdependence, that is, their interdependent origination, hence emptiness.
- At's blogs, Sonja Cohen tracks Unitarian Universalists in the media and Shelby Meyerhoff monitors the UU blogosphere aka the interdependent web.
- The Public Victory will help you become interdependent, that is, help you learn to work cooperatively with others, so that you can say, “I am a team player and I have power and influence with people.”
- *** The court based this decision on its finding that the long-term interdependent nature of the 10-year relationship between appellant and Blanchard “fulfills any definitional criteria of the term ‘family.’”
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