IPA: ˈɪntɝɛstɪŋnʌs
- The state or quality of being interesting.
Examples of "interestingness" in Sentences
- I found a marked uptick in the "interestingness" of the place.
- One person's "interestingness," isn't objective and universal, though.
- I’m not sure on this for sure as interestingness is “secret sauce” or so they say.
- I read the Flickr patent this morning and FWIW I don't think Flickr should be able to get a broad patent on "interestingness".
- The main advantage Flickr has with interestingness is that it is based on human input as opposed to pure computer generated search algorhithm.
- I can't tell you how to determine "usefulness" and "interestingness" -- it's something you'll figure out through practice and experimentation.
- To avoid gaming, Flickr doesn't explain the precise algorithm it uses to measure "interestingness," just as Google doesn't disclose how it ranks pages.
- Today, Flickr has interestingness, which is a measure of some combination of how many times a picture has been viewed, how many comments it has, how many times it's been tagged or marked as a favorite, and some other special sauce.
- Independent of price though she has the coolest copy and word invention (and what is more important really eg 'interestingness') But given I get 7,000 page views a day on flickr, and make not a cent, so I could relate to the thinking behind Anil's argument, which always rock, as does Caterina.
- A long time in the making, interestingness is a ranking algorithm based on user behavior around the photos taking into account some obvious things like how many users add the photo to their favorites and some subtle things like the relationship between the person who uploaded the photo and the people who are commenting (plus a whole bunch of secret sauce).