IPA: ɪntɝfˈeɪʃʌɫ
- Of or pertaining to an interface
Examples of "interfacial" in Sentences
- The proline-rich interfacial loop L8-L9 is disordered in
- The interfacial bubble ruptures, uncovering a dimple on the water surface.
- From 1980, he became interested in interfacial problems, in particular the dynamics of wetting.
- The areas of interest include fluid dynamics, interfacial physics, wetting, physical chemistry and molecular interaction forces.
- The lower grain size is essentially determined by the interfacial tension of the mercury and that of the water as well as the shape of the grain.
- Here we show that for a large range of fluid parameters, interfacial bubbles can create numerous small bubbles when they rupture, rather than vanishing.
- When a bubble on a liquid-gas or solid-gas interface (referred to herein as an interfacial bubble) ruptures, the general expectation is that the bubble vanishes.
- Her research interests in electrocatalysis include interfacial electrochemistry, single crystal surfaces, second harmonic generation, and electron transfer reactions.
- A computer-generated pictorial representation reveals how the surface being tested conforms to the body, the location of interfacial pressure points between the surface and the body, and the relative degree of severity of such pressure points.
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