IPA: ɪntɝdʒˈɛkt
- (transitive) To insert something between other things.
- (transitive) To say as an interruption or aside.
- (intransitive) To interpose oneself; to intervene.
Examples of "interject" in Sentences
- You interjected yourself into the conversation.
- I'd like to interject on the behalf of everyone.
- In psychological terms this is called an interject.
- I wish to interject something on the topic of shields.
- That would interject no analysis about the tone of the word.
- As you can see, the utterance of the interjection amen is a noun
- It's simply impossible to interject oneself into the conversation.
- However, the other players cannot interject during the follow ups.
- He then proceeds to interject controversial material into the article.
- Interrupt speakers to interject your own views at inappropriate moments.
- Thank God Bernstein is around to at least interject some Israel talk ....
- Someone interjected into the article with connections of Marx and Communism.
- Mark: Thank God Bernstein is around to at least interject some Israel talk ....
- The aim of the article is to educate, not to interject someone's own perspective.
- I would have to call in and I would be in my living room listening to a noisy conference room and just kind of interject with a line here and there.
- I might interject a word of explanation here by saying that additional credit is required to finance a rising stock market only to the extent that existing stock owners withdraw their profits.
- Well what id like to interject is this. why is it that only fish taken on a pole is considered sportsfishing .. i grew up as a fisherman working with my dad and we never used hand held lines commercially, just isnt done anymore .. so why is it that handheld "records" cant be counted in with the "sportsfishing" records??
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