IPA: ɪntɝmʌnt
- The act of burying a dead body; burial.
Examples of "interment" in Sentences
- A rough box was their coffin, and their interment was a dog's burial.
- Burial is commonly called interment It is frequently has a considerable price tag and unquestionably the most pricey part of a funeral
- A study of this collection leads to the belief that all the specimens are from one interment, that is, the grave of a single individual.
- Due to extensive evidence that the identification of the eight Americans and two South Vietnamese crew members aboard this flight is highly inconclusive, the interment will be a difficult time for many family members whose loved ones were lost in this incident.
- But the most recent statement is that his interment was a sham, and was part of a well-devised plan for facilitating his escape from France to Germany during the prevalence of rumoured attempts to restore the Stuarts, and that, after marrying the Countess of Waldsteine-Waters, he lived, bearing her name, to the age of eighty-six.