IPA: ɪntˈɝnʌɫ
- Of or situated on the inside.
- (medicine) Within the body.
- Concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state or other political community.
- Concerned with the non-public affairs of a company or other organisation.
- (biology) Present or arising within an organism or one of its parts.
- (pharmacology) Applied or intended for application through the stomach by being swallowed.
- Experienced in one's mind; inner rather than expressed.
- Of the inner nature of a thing.
- (Britain, education, of a student) Attending a university as well as taking its examinations.
Examples of "internal" in Sentences
- But we took a look at our poll and what we call the internal numbers in our poll, Suzanne.
- What does 'internal affair' really mean? yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'What does \'internal affair\' really mean? '
- And the internal is absolutely fascinating, equally if not more suspenseful, a integral part of the plot in a way not many writers can pull off.
- But what's very interesting is, when you drill down on these numbers and you look at what we call the internal numbers on this, you see how partisan a debate this really has become.
- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned Hungary will fight back if the 27-nation European Union interferes in what he calls internal politics while his country holds the EU's presidency.
- MCEDWARDS: An Israeli television producer who was involved in the protection of the film says the documentary was originally set to air four or five months ago, but then was canceled because of what he called internal circumstances.
- It is customary to distinguish the internal from the external work of art: the terminology seems here to be infelicitous, for the work of art (the aesthetic work) is always _internal_; and that which is called _external_ is no longer a work of art.
- I know that a lot of people believe that this difference between the external and the internal is an important distinction to make between fiction and film, and that drawing it usually results in an implicit -- or not so implict -- valorization of fiction over film.
- Snyder moved to New York City in 1967 and in the late 1960s began incorporating materials she associated with female imagery into her paintings, such as flocking (a thin, inexpensive type of cloth), beans, lentils, seeds, threads and silk, making what she referred to as internal landscapes.
- Moreover, it has appeared that different species show a tendency to variability in special directions, and probably in different degrees, and that at any rate Mr. Darwin himself concedes the existence of an internal barrier to change when he credits the goose with "a singularly inflexible organization;" also, that he admits the presence of an _internal_ proclivity to change when he speaks of "a whole organization seeming to have become plastic, and tending to depart from the parental type."
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