IPA: ɪntˈɝnʌɫʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- The process of internalizing something.
Examples of "internalization" in Sentences
- It is that willingness to which the term 'internalization' is meant to point.
- Of course one could argue these were her own wise thoughts, or an internalization of my view point.
- Much of this so-called internalization is derived from retail orders and involves payment for order flow.
- And consider Koh's discussion of the "six key agents in the transnational legal process" of the "internalization" of international law into domestic law.
- Other trades are done by dark pools, internal matching of buys and sells inside brokerage firms (benignly called internalization) and over the counter derivative trades that could impact the stock market but have no oversight by anyone.
- When I was approached by guys in bars or at the bus stop or wherever, I was always wary of the attention - I thought when a man was interested that meant he had some kind of fetish or that he was some kind of creep (internalization much?).
- I have some sort of vague thoughts about how though this is the sort of thing that makes Christianity easy to criticize, there's a lot more there about assimilation, and internalization of oppression, and who makes it possible. mood: * boggled*