IPA: ɪntɝnˈæʃʌnʌɫɪzʌm
- (politics) Political, economic and cultural cooperation between nations.
- (linguistics) A loanword that occurs in several languages with the same or similar meaning and etymology.
Examples of "internationalism" in Sentences
- His work in internationalism and charity puts him well in the liberal side, as people see it.
- They represented Republican extremist thinking resenting the notion of internationalism the UN represented.
- 48The wartime overlap between patriotism and internationalism is also evident in the creative and political work of Adrian Scott.
- The perspective of internationalism is a core characteristic of green/environmentalist thought and one we should be sceptical of ….
- One of the bedrocks of old-style Marxism was atheist internationalism, which is of course against all religions and all kinds of nationalism.
- Yet despite what the majority of Americans believe and want their leaders and elected officials promote another agenda called internationalism or globalization.
- The communist embodies something further: the idea of internationalism, that is, the brotherhood, solidarity and cooperation among all men and nations in the world.
- Anew internationalism is spreading across American campuses, with an increasing number of colleges now offering their students degrees in conjunction with a partner institution in another country.