IPA: ɪntɝnˈæʃʌnʌɫɪst
- An advocate of internationalism.
- A proponent of proletarian internationalism.
- (chiefly Scotland) A player representing their country in a team sport.
- Of or pertaining to internationalism.
Examples of "internationalist" in Sentences
- But for a period of some 30 years, we lacked competent, "internationalist" leadership.
- I think the man who is, perhaps, our greatest internationalist, is Professor Shotwell of Columbia University.
- On the other hand, our greatest anti-internationalist is probably Father Coughlin - he also is a native of Canada.
- Perhaps they thought that if they threatened us we would become nervous, that we would immediately recall our internationalist fighters.
- The show of sympathy is partly heartfelt as the 'common people' know when British soldiers die for 'internationalist' politicians they have wasted their blood.
- Hilary and most of the Democratic Party should be indicted, tried, convicted and executed for High Treason - any "internationalist" or any Gun control advocate is a TRAITOR!!
- Naturally they are entirely satisfactory to Germany and equally naturally they are in this country satisfactory to every pro-German and pacifist and socialist and anti-American so-called internationalist….
- In doing so, he makes himself look less like a serious, potential participant in a crowded Presidential field, and more like someone who is about to start ranting about the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and George W. Bush's membership in Skull & Bones ... all part of an "internationalist" conspiracy to create a New World Order.
- POG's rejection of the alliance with the United Nations would have come as a heavy blow to the League and to Theodoropoulou personally, who had invested an entire political career in internationalist feminist networking and who drew much currency from the specific relationship of the League with the United Nations, which had recently formed a special committee known as the Statute de la femme.