IPA: ˈɪntɝnʃɪp
- A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession or trade.
- (US) The first year of a medical residency.
Examples of "internship" in Sentences
- Well my displeasure of my internship is well documented.
- TVGuide. com: So does that mean Annie's internship is kaput too?
- • An internship is like a job interview that lasts three months.
- The internship is unpaid and both full and part-time applicants are encouraged to apply.
- They engage in internship experiences in the community in any field that interests them.
- "The word 'internship' carries no legal definition and therefore often leads to graduate exploitation," said Mr Curtis.
- The issue with the unpaid private sector internship is its effect on driving down employment which I kinda thought any member of congress would consider a problem.
- Some 74% of business schools saw an increase in internship opportunities in 2010; in 2009, 69% of schools reported a decline, according to the MBA Career Services Council, an industry group that monitors global M.B.A. employment.
- As an African-American and a recent Harvard graduate, I have found that my day-to-day life loan payments and choosing a job over a non-paying internship is shaped more by my socioeconomic profile (lower middle class) than by my racial one.