IPA: ɪtˈɝpʌɫeɪʃʌn
- (music) An abrupt change in elements, with continuation of the first idea.
- (mathematics, sciences) The process of estimating the value of a function at a point from its values at nearby points.
- (computing) The process of including and processing externally-fetched data in a document or program; see interpolate.
- (editing, content analysis) That which is introduced or inserted; in contexts of content analysis of centuries-old texts, especially something foreign or spurious.
- (music) The use of a melody from a previously recorded song, but recreated rather than sampled from that recording.
Examples of "interpolation" in Sentences
- In mathematics, interpolation is the process of estimating values between known data points
- The scientist used interpolation to predict the temperature at a given time based on the data collected
- Interpolation techniques are commonly used in computer graphics to create smooth transitions between pixels
- The student struggled with the concept of interpolation in her statistics class
- The software engineer implemented interpolation algorithms to improve the accuracy of the weather forecasting model