
IPA: ɪntɝprɪtˈeɪʃʌn


  • (countable) An act of interpreting or explaining something unclear; a translation; a version.
  • (countable) A sense given by an interpreter; an exposition or explanation given; meaning.
  • (uncountable, linguistics, translation studies) The discipline or study of translating one spoken or signed language into another (as opposed to translation, which concerns itself with written language).
  • (uncountable) The power of explaining.
  • (countable) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.
  • (countable) An act or process of applying general principles or formulae to the explanation of the results obtained in special cases.
  • (countable, physics) An approximation that allows aspects of a mathematical theory to be discussed in ordinary language.
  • (countable, logic, model theory) An assignment of a truth value to each propositional symbol of a propositional calculus.
  • heritage interpretation

Examples of "interpretation" in Sentences

  • In the case of Gilles Deleuze, this change in interpretation is particularly evident in the
  • The ambiguity here requires a resolution — to wit, in domestic mattes our interpretation is the only one that counts.
  • They (I think) would concede that this interpretation is at odds with existing precedent, though they would be in favor of such precedent being overruled.
  • Hence the root of the matter is the interpretation of the stones, or not so much their full interpretation as the discovery of a _method of interpretation_, which shall be sure.
  • Similarly, again, in some sense of ˜interpretation™, the interpretation of the expression ˜some human™ in the following sentence depends on the interpretation of ˜It is possible that™, but again this is not an example of anaphora:
  • Explanation also is used interchangeably with the term interpretation, particularly by self psychologists, in order to differentiate interpretations around selfobject needs from more classical interpretations of unconscious wishes, instinctual impulses, and superego conflicts.
  • Even the idea that looking at original intent in interpretation is given the label ‘originalism’ is close to absurd, as EVERY judge ought to be looking to the intent of the words in the laws as a part of their legal interpretation (how much weight you give it may be a matter for debate, but it must be a part of the fabric of judicial interpretation).
  • Conclusive for the correctness of this interpretation, as represented by the Swedish government, _is the approval the Norwegian government itself gave this interpretation_ by conceding that the Foreign Minister might give direct orders to the Norwegian Consuls, which, in certain cases, implied a hierarchal relationship between the Foreign Minister and the Norwegian

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