
IPA: ɪntˈɝprʌtʌd


  • (of computer languages or code) Executed directly, rather than via a compiled binary representation.

Examples of "interpreted" in Sentences

  • No. Did you find something to contradict him (outside of something interpreted from the UNCLOS)?
  • There is only "outside director," a term interpreted simply to mean anyone who has never worked for the company.
  • May 31, 2010, 7: 11 pm leo marvin says: nicehonesty: Did you find something to contradict him (outside of something interpreted from the UNCLOS)
  • Rimington and her judges came under fire in recent weeks for stressing the importance of "readability" when judging the winner, a term interpreted by some as dumbing down one of English-language fiction's top accolades.
  • The omission was especially notable since Obaid then said that "we need increased political will and teamwork to scale up quality reproductive health services," a term interpreted by various UN agencies and human rights experts as including abortion.
  • The ruin of Awatubi is known to the Navajo as Talla Hogan, a term interpreted as meaning “singing house” and thought to refer to the chapel and mission that at one time nourished here, as described by Mr. Stephen in Chapter I. Tradition ascribes great importance to this village.
  • Not that UNCLOS is necessarily dispositive here, but considering that treaties like UNCLOS are among the few written sources from which to infer common understandings of customary practice, your “outside of something interpreted from the UNCLOS” is the exception that swallows your rule.

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