IPA: ɪntɝrˈeɪʃʌɫ
- Between or among two or more different races.
Examples of "interracial" in Sentences
- But she also said she didn’t believe in interracial marriage.
- And we still have only 7 – 8% of people in interracial marriages overall, so that is hardly some kind of sea change.
- There are also huge disparities in interracial marriage between males and females in ways that match up with conventional wisdom.
- On the other hand, the rate of increase in interracial weddings seems to be no longer rising quickly, although it differs by race pairings.
- Despite some ongoing resistance (a subject to which I will return), the situation for people involved in interracial intimacy has never been better.
- The African-American population also saw increases in interracial marriage, with the number of blacks participating in such marriages roughly tripling since 1980, the study said.
- Throughout the black-power era substantial numbers of African-Americans loudly condemned black participation in interracial relationships (especially with whites), deeming it to be racial betrayal.
- And the protector of all, the one who rescues the Irishmen and the women in interracial relationships, the one who mentors the black and female cops, the one who knows it's all wrong, is of course a straight white man.
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