IPA: ɪntɝrˈɛgnʌm
- The period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign.
- (politics) A period of time during which normal executive leadership is suspended or interrupted.
- (by extension) An intermission in any order of succession; any breach of continuity in action or influence.
Examples of "interregnum" in Sentences
- The country was in a state of uncertainty during the interregnum period, with no clear leader in sight
- The interregnum between kings caused a power vacuum that left the kingdom vulnerable to attack
- Citizens grew restless during the interregnum, longing for stability and a return to normalcy
- It was during the interregnum that political factions began to form, each vying for control of the throne
- The interregnum finally came to an end with the crowning of a new monarch, bringing a sense of relief and stability to the nation