
IPA: ɪntɝrɪɫˈeɪtɪd


  • Having a mutual or reciprocal relation or parallelism; correlative.

Examples of "interrelated" in Sentences

  • The David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future announced Thursday sees collaboration across academic disciplines as vital to making breakthroughs in interrelated subjects.
  • This is a very significant finding because the body's chemical processes are highly complex and interrelated, meaning that targeting one cause of cancer often involves affecting the body's normal functions.
  • A lot of people are going to be sweating out, actually, the Plains the temperatures have really been increasing, I wanted to show you the drought monitor, it's kind of interrelated to the drought conditions.
  • The David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future views collaboration across academic disciplines – from engineering to agriculture to the humanities – as vital to making breakthroughs in interrelated subjects.
  • Secondly and closely interrelated is the principle of non-refoulement, that is to say, that a refugee must not be forcibly returned to his country or to any other country where he has well-founded reasons to fear persecution.

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