IPA: ɪntɝsˈɛkʃʌn
- The junction of two (or more) paths, streets, highways, or other thoroughfares.
- Any overlap, confluence, or crossover.
- (geometry) The point or set of points common to two geometrical objects (such as the point where two lines meet or the line where two planes intersect).
- (set theory) The set containing all the elements that are common to two or more sets.
- (sports) The element where two or more straight lines of synchronized skaters pass through each other.,10869,4844-128590-19728-18885-295370-3787-4771-layout160-129898-news-item,00.html
- (category theory) The pullback of a corner of monics.
Examples of "intersection" in Sentences
- At the intersection of Main Street and Elm Street, you will find the new shopping center
- The intersection of technology and education has resulted in innovative ways of learning
- Be cautious when driving through busy intersections, always yield to oncoming traffic
- The intersection of art and science can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and creations
- The intersection of cultures in the city creates a vibrant and diverse community