
IPA: ɪntɝstʌs


  • A small opening or space between objects, especially adjacent objects or objects set closely together, as between cords in a rope or components of a multiconductor electrical cable or between atoms in a crystal.
  • (figurative) A fragment of space.
  • An interval of time required by the Roman Catholic Church between the attainment of different degrees of an order.
  • (by extension) A small interval of time free to be spent on activities other than one's primary goal.

Examples of "interstice" in Sentences

  • Between the stories that I do tell there are interstices, some shallow, some deep, and in these interstice lay the stories that I do not, for one reason or another, tell.
  • Bourriaud considers the relational form of artwork as social "interstice," a place to learn to inhabit the world in a better way, where art "tightens the space of relations" between spectators so that art becomes a glue of social relations.
  • And upon tearing her world asunder in a moment, the forces leave her to go be insane somewhere else, and she doesn't even know what the fuck. points out how there is this 'interstice' between what we consider real-life and what is urban mythology.
  • Each snapshot moment encapsulates a state, every congruity and interstice between them suggests a transformation, and -- assuming the viewer actually gets it -- the film resolves into an excruciatingly tender and poignant portrayal of a relationship.

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