IPA: ɪntɝstˈɪʃʌɫ
- (Internet, advertising) A web page, usually carrying advertising, displayed when leaving one content page for another.
- (physics) An interstitial discontinuity in a crystal.
- Of, relating to, or situated in an interstice.
Examples of "interstitial" in Sentences
- The term interstitial cystitis for the syndrome is considered inappropriate as it indicates inflammation in the interstitum, which is often not present.
- And, because light can penetrate only about one millimeter into the skin, the glucose actually being monitored is contained in fluid found around blood vessels, called interstitial fluid, not within the vessels.
- I do think interstitial is about being "between" a variety of modes of category or operation, and I think what you're talking about could be described as interstitial activity, maybe, but I'm not sure to what purpose as of yet.
- Don't get me wrong, within the vast multitrillion-dollar energy infrastructure, there lie many opportunities for entrepreneurs, technological advances and profit-making, in bringing what can only be termed interstitial revolutions within that sector.
- Rather than trying to understand these as aberrations -- as the half-and-half and not-quite-either of "cross-genre" and "interstitial" -- or as subversions of the form, we might better approach each text as an individual permutation of possible approaches.
- I can't predict what will happen with interstitial art, but it will continue to evolve (as I think it has for quite some time now, under the guise of other nomenclatures) and if "interstitial" is not the term that defines this particular kind of art-making in the future, that's fine.