IPA: ɪntɝtrˈaɪbʌɫ
- Between tribes.
Examples of "intertribal" in Sentences
- Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice from intertribal!
- (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) awesome. intertribal
- (Reply to this) (Thread) what hath fried chicken wrought intertribal
- Nausicaa and Totoro: D (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) intertribal
- Jack: sold Elvis's shirt (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) intertribal
- But I don't want to get over you (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) intertribal
- Edited at 2010-05-21 04: 08 pm UTC (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) intertribal
- Recently, Papua New Guinea restored IRV to mitigate tribal fractionalization and promote intertribal conciliation.
- Often what appears to be a two-way conflict between the government and an insurgency is better described as intertribal rivalry.
- But lawyers and police say the practice remains common in urban and rural areas, where such settlements can forestall or end lasting intertribal battles.
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