IPA: ˈɪntɝvʌɫ
- A distance in space.
- A period of time.
- (music) The difference (a ratio or logarithmic measure) in pitch between two notes, often referring to those two pitches themselves (otherwise known as a dyad).
- (mathematics) A connected section of the real line which may be empty or have a length of zero.
- (chiefly Britain) An intermission.
- (sports) half time, a scheduled intermission between the periods of play
- (cricket) Either of the two breaks, at lunch and tea, between the three sessions of a day's play
Examples of "interval" in Sentences
- A “QT” interval is measured in seconds or in milliseconds.
- For all we know, the 95% confidence interval is [30B, $35B,50B].
- 'Now, what you may or may not know about the third stellar interval is ...'
- As a result, most diesel manufacturers recommend cutting their recommended oil drain interval in half when using biodiesel fuel.
- Suppose the difference between using a local call centre and a Mumbai call centre for the life of the service interval is X present value dollars.
- This certain interval will give rise to the eerie phantasmatic ir-reality of the Sanatorium as a result of the contamination and rapid decomposition of time.
- Lack of statistical significance over a given period does not mean absence of warming, it means the interval is too short for a meaningful conclusion either way.
- Then, assuming you still feel the total interval is non-zero, am I to presume your concept of light ray "interval" is significantly effected by traveling through a prisms or half silvered mirrors?
- [273-2] Strictly speaking, the interval between 11 Men and 13 Oc is fourteen days, but throughout this paper, by "_interval between_" two days, is to be understood the number of days to be counted _from_ one _to and including_ the other.
- Little by little the tissues of reality loosen around Jozef; he becomes subject to a different clock and to the peculiar experiments with Time presided over by a mysterious Dr. Gotard [and a ventriloquizing Auctioneer]: … … here, we are always late by a certain interval of time of which we cannot define the length.