IPA: ɪntˈɑɫɝʌns
- (uncountable) The state of being intolerant.
- (countable) An intolerant word or action.
- (countable, medicine) Extreme sensitivity to a food or drug; allergy.
Examples of "intolerance" in Sentences
- Perhaps your own ratiophobia and intolerance is at issue, eh?
- The highest incidence of dairy intolerance is in Asian groups.
- Lactose intolerance is a product of well-known Darwinian rules.
- Michael B: Perhaps your own ratiophobia and intolerance is at issue, eh?
- And this climate of increasing intolerance is not confined to newspaper columnists by any means.
- This kind of intolerance is what makes today's Liberals (in power and on message boards) incredibly hypocritical.
- When we talk about intolerance, is racism really the issue when the problem is your inability to perform your only job function?
- This intolerance is the result of the neutrality of Canadians in their attitude toward the basic responsibility to the nation, to the world, to the people of the world, and to God.