IPA: ɪntrˈæktʌbʌɫnʌs
- The state of being intractable; intractability.
Examples of "intractableness" in Sentences
- Even her stubborn intractableness, her keen and malicious humor, added zest to their relationship.
- Jarrell was contemptuous of the self-consciously clever substitution of fake eccentricity and romance for the real intractableness of experience .
- Perhaps it is a symbol of the intractableness of the debate over replacing the viaduct, but people on both sides of the aisle seem mightily annoyed by this turn of events.
- On the other hand, while Madame d'Epinay was overwhelming him with caressing phrases, she was at the same moment describing him to Grimm as a master of impertinence and intractableness.
- The humanities, unlike the natural sciences, had nothing to lose, or so it was thought, and, unlike the social sciences, they had no knowledge of the intractableness of the political matter.
- Duke of Orleans -- the gentle conduct of the three young strangers -- were all, in a moment of extravagant folly, passion, and intractableness, forgotten, flung to the winds, when, with a scornful air, he addressed Louis Philippe:
- It was from considering the docility of the high-bred Arab horse and intractableness of the quibly, roughly broken prairie or Pampas horse, that Mr. Rarey was led to think over and perfect the system which he has repeatedly explained and illustrated by living examples in his lectures, and very imperfectly explained in his valuable, original, but crude little book.
- It is not much to be wondered at if impatient or disappointed reformers, groaning under the impediments opposed to the most salutary public improvements by the ignorance, the indifference, the intractableness, the perverse obstinacy of a people, and the corrupt combinations of selfish private interests armed with the powerful weapons afforded by free institutions, should at times sigh for a strong hand to bear down all these obstacles, and compel
- In religion as well as in morality there is manifested the reckless independence of the (now, for the first time, vigorously and mightily self-conscious) subjective spirit, from any and all unconditional objective authority, whether of nature or of spirit, — an untamedness and intractableness of the strong individual will, daring deeds, but also a violent wildness of the unbent will and of the passions, — a highly excited turmoil-without goal or purpose.