IPA: ɪntrˈæktʌbɫi
- In an intractable manner; uncontrollably; unmanageably.
Examples of "intractably" in Sentences
- And yet before it had seemed so intractably complex.
- There are two sides seemingly intractably opposed on how we should reduce our national debt.
- I was depressed for more than twenty-five years — intractably so, despite good meds and excellent shrinkage.
- From there on what was "good for black people" and what was actually "good cinema" became intractably conflated.
- So, what a very big job it seems, to ensure ‘civil rights’ to such a highly, but intractably diverse, workforce!?
- I hope they'll come away from this book with a deeper understanding that we're all a lot more the same than we are different; that our humanity intractably binds us, and that there's no getting out of it.
- We can endlessly rehearse the causes of industrial decline in Britain blaming the investors, the workforce and the entrepreneurs, but mostly it is near-sighted politicians and, ironically, those who believe intractably in free-market capitalism who have destroyed industry.
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