IPA: ɪntrʌdɪpɑrtmˈɛntʌɫ
- Within a department.
Examples of "intradepartmental" in Sentences
- After a bunch of intradepartmental infighting, the Y-Law faction prevails and gets to hire their guy.
- If, as expected, Janet Reno is confirmed as attorney general, one of the first problems she'll face is an intradepartmental dispute.
- Concern was however raised about the fact that departments should choose their own single language for inter - and intradepartmental use.
- They wrote papers and intradepartmental reports, they did what they could in the field—but it was all desperate and provisional so long as B. irregularis flourished on the island.
- Jim had watched the intradepartmental squabbling over Naraht with amusement, and hadn't allowed himself to be swayed by it; the Enterprise was made for the entities who rode in her, not the other way around.
- Everett Koop, Reagan's surgeon general, said that due to "intradepartmental politics" he was cut out of all AIDS discussions for the first five years of the Reagan Administration -- and that "because transmission of AIDS was understood primarily in the homosexual population and in those who abused intravenous drugs, the advisors to the President, sic took the stand, they are only getting what they justly deserve."
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