IPA: ɪntrˈigɪŋ
- (dated) An intrigue.
- Causing a desire to know more; mysterious.
- Involving oneself in secret plots or schemes.
- (archaic) Having clandestine or illicit intercourse.
Examples of "intriguing" in Sentences
- More intriguing is the mood of the American public this year.
- Your piece on Kana while intriguing is also incredibly alien.
- These are American foods that are presented in intriguing ways.
- The part that makes it intriguing is the idea that some buy it.
- Also rather intriguing is the view of how the girls should not be smarter to or superior to the boys in any way.
- What I found especially intriguing is how Kearney mentioned that the world is actually more Science Fiction in nature then Fantasy.
- What I find intriguing is the recent tendency of racist bigots to cry “racism” whenever anybody tries to point out racism or do anything about it.
- Tebow's leadership intangibles and running ability remain intriguing to some NFL teams, but he may have hurt himself more than he helped himself with his performance.
- The Russians might have found the moniker intriguing, but to Sayyed it was an insult, one of many he was sure he would be forced to endure on this cold winter evening.
- One of the most intriguing is the sci-fi drama Fast Forward from Dark Knight's David Goyer and 24's Brannon Braga, about a worldwide blackout that gives everyone a glimpse into the near-future.