IPA: ɪntrˈɪnsɪkʌɫi
- In an intrinsic manner; internally; essentially.
Examples of "intrinsically" in Sentences
- They simply seem find the idea intrinsically distasteful.
- High on the list, opposition to abortion, which the church calls intrinsically evil.
- High on the list, opposition to abortion -- which the church calls intrinsically evil.
- Different structures contain or suggest more or less of this kind of beauty, and in that proportion may be called intrinsically better or worse.
- But just as no mortal can be more evil than good, so also no immortal can be more evil than good, that is to say intrinsically and over a vast space of time.
- Indeed, it takes positions that directly contradict Church teaching, going so far as offer a vigorous defense of torture, something we know as intrinsically evil.
- On this showing, the relevant "object" of the human act can be characterized as intrinsically evil not only apart from the agent's further intention in doing what he does, but apart from his immediate intention as well.
- It was, I recognize now, a crude idea — evidently I had not even got away from the idea of intrinsically valuable money — but none of us in those days had had the educational benefit of the monetary and credit convulsions that followed the Peace of Versailles.
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