
IPA: ɪntrʌdˈus


  • (transitive, of people) To cause (someone) to be acquainted (with someone else).
  • (transitive) To make (something or someone) known by formal announcement or recommendation.
  • (transitive) To add (something) to a system, a mixture, or a container.
  • (transitive) To bring (something) into practice.

Examples of "introduce" in Sentences

  • And, Bill, you were so kind as to introduce a German word here in this congregation.
  • Not only does the title introduce various new modes of play, but you can now dust off that
  • Luke Shepard and Dave Morin introduce the schedule for the day; individual attendee introductions.
  • It is my pleasure to again introduce as our guest speaker, The Honourable John Manley, Minister of Industry.
  • Our distinguished guest this evening, whom I have the honour to introduce, is Major-General Sir Francis W. de Guingand, K.B.E.,
  • Commission meetings — good idea to go — sheriff, check in introduce yourself, assuming, for no good reason, you know what you're doing ….
  • The tension it does introduce is within a structure that allows us to deconstruct (or simply accept) in a way that pleases us because we know it.
  • I would also like to introduce from the audience our old friend Stanley St. John, who is at the piano each week and is with us here again today and we do appreciate his music on all occasions.
  • It may be useful to introduce from the outset key pertinent elements of the scientific theories involved, especially as concerns their relationships to the ideas of chance and chaos, and the concepts of (physical) reality correlative to them, which are my main subject here (these theories have other aspects).
  • If you have any cases at the front, deteriorate that any due viruses have serviced removed, the bisque and toilet seat and elongated is kept entire and numerous and if you should have a title introduce ranking it is in clueless repair, certain sayings will constantly want to slap containing about chain they will alleviatee to fill on the stormwater if they reprint to enzyme it.

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