
IPA: ɪntrˈɔɪtʌs


  • (medicine) The entrance to a hollow organ or canal; often specifically the entrance to the vagina.
  • (music) A piece of music played before a mass; a musical introduction of any sort.

Examples of "introitus" in Sentences

  • The opening to the vagina is called the introitus.
  • The vagina is a stretchy, tube-like structure that extends from the vaginal opening (introitus) to the cervix (the opening of the uterus).
  • It includes the labia majora (outer lips), the labia minora (small, inner lips), and the introitus (vaginal opening) with its mucus-producing glands.
  • It's nto the pressure, its the stretching (and sometimes, I'm afraid) tearing od the delciate tissues at the introitus that causes the most discomfort.
  • He takes a small amount of lubrication and strokes from her introitus through her labia and lands his finger on the upper left quadrant of her clitoris.
  • For anxious patients and little old ladies, I apply lidocaine jelly to the introitus a few minutes before the exam (Step out and see another patient while it does it's job).
  • They walked into the backyard and there was Jimmy giving Jezebel's swollen, oozing introitus long slow licks while the bitch's flanks heaved and her tongue lapped at the air.

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