
IPA: ɪntrʌdʒˈɛktʌd


  • incorporated unconsciously into your own psyche

Examples of "introjected" in Sentences

  • In the analytic setting, the patient introjected or said "yes" to the analyst's interpretation by means of a similar act of negation.
  • Most emotions target the outside world, but guilt and shame are exceptions, as they stem from introjected critical figures which target the self.
  • The parents are permanently introjected by the child, not only the pictorial representation, but the feelings connected to being securely parented.
  • The cherished and lost object is introjected and this possession or incorporation represents an attempt to preserve it and simultaneously destroy the hated object.
  • Mother is slowly introjected, first in a part-object fashion—the breast, the bottle, the voice, the face, and the comfort and solace provided become linked permanently with her.
  • The term "ego-ideal" refers to part of the superego that concentrates all the highest standards and agonizing demands that one has introjected from parents, the culture, recognized authority.
  • In Kristeva's psychoanalytic terms, it is a loss that is always already introjected rather than incorporated, hived or encrypted "inside" embodied creatures where it is magically preserved and denied.
  • Abraham's idea that mania "revers [es]" the "retentive tendency of melancholia": mania celebrates the ego's sudden triumph over both ego ideal and the once-loved, lost, and subsequently introjected object.
  • Whereas in melancholia the ego is vampirized by the introjected object, in mania the libido turns with ravenous hunger to the external world of objects; whatever appears before the manic's rapidly advancing probe is swallowed.
  • That's why we don't want child molesters to work with children, we don't want tennis instruction from those who have never played it, and we don't take to heart moralizing conservative rhetoric and press releases introjected into print without surrounding context from people who claim a background as sex workers.

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