IPA: ˈɪnvʌdʒˈaɪnʌt
- (medicine, surgery) To fold up or enclose into a sheath-like or pouch-like structure, either naturally or as part of a surgical procedure.
- (medicine) To turn or fold inwardly.
- (medicine) To fold inward to create a hollow space where none had existed, as with a gastrula forming from a blastula.
- (biology) sheathed
- (biology) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion.
Examples of "invaginate" in Sentences
- During the developmental process, cells invaginate to form complex structures in the body
- The baker decided to invaginate the dough to create a flaky, layered pastry
- Scientists are studying how cells invaginate to understand the process of tissue formation
- The chef demonstrated how to invaginate the ingredients to create a unique culinary masterpiece
- The surgeon carefully invaginated the tissue layers to repair the damaged organ
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