IPA: ˈɪnvʌɫʌd
- (dated, sometimes offensive) Any person with a disability or illness.
- (dated, sometimes offensive) A person who is confined to home or bed because of illness, disability or injury; one who is too sick or weak to care for themselves.
- (archaic) A disabled member of the armed forces; one unfit for active duty due to injury.
- (Britain, transitive) To exempt from (often military) duty because of injury or ill health.
- (transitive) To make invalid or affect with disease.
- Not valid; not true, correct, acceptable or appropriate.
- Suffering from disability or illness.
- Intended for use by an invalid.
Examples of "invalid" in Sentences
- He's not feeling great and it's the latest craze in invalid food in our house.
- Tried to click on the challenge and got a no-can-do message about in invalid URL.
- He also produces a "Wanda Errors Report", which identifies certain invalid ballots, such as duplicates from the same registered voters.
- Soon afterwards, Attia ruled the woman was not Jewish and that therefore the marriage was invalid from the start, and the couple did not need a divorce.
- This revision adds requested functionality for outputting invalid or outdated standard numbers represented in subfields $y or $z in MARC 010, 020, 022, 024, 028, and 037 to the @invalid in MODS.
- Gadhafi to French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in which he called "invalid" the United Nations resolution passed last week authorizing the use of force against the regime in order to halt its slaughter of rebels and opposition figures.
- 340 Chapter 11: Searching and browsing Figure 11.4 Ferret throws an exception when given an invalid search string. @invalid = true end end end Here we tell rescue to catch the specific exception raised by Ferret parsing errors, and then set the @invalid instance variable so that we can put an appropriate message in the view (Figure 11.5): Listing 11.13 app/views/community/search. rhtml