
IPA: ɪnvˈæɫɪdeɪt


  • To make invalid. Especially applied to contract law.
  • To make or declare (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous; disprove.
  • To render invalid; discredit.

Examples of "invalidate" in Sentences

  • Flash forward to the present, where Weaver and Quaintance last week filed a request in Superior Court to "invalidate" local governments 'approval of the hotel for federal stimulus funding.
  • So Physicist Husband is helping to work out the airflow issues, perhaps by installing a small fan or upgrading to a better colander, which would kind of invalidate the point of using stuff we already had around the house.
  • But at the same time it would kind of invalidate the whole series 'intent - choosing to demure about the hard, bloody climax doesn't pay proper respect to the costly sacrifices of sexual responsibilism that the books so ennoble.
  • Now it would sure be nice to know when something changes, so if California does sink, Iraq or Canada become the 51 st state, you don't have to watch CNN and ask all your clients to either wait for the cache to update, or "invalidate" the cache.
  • FARRELL: I'm afraid I have to say that I think if the west started getting into the game of asking Muslim clerics to issue fatwas then it would put the clerics in a very difficult situation and it would kind of invalidate the fatwa if they did it because they would look like they're doing it at the behest of the west.

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