IPA: dʒˈæb
- A quick stab or blow; a poking or thrusting motion.
- (boxing) A short straight punch.
- (Britain) A medical hypodermic injection (vaccination or inoculation)
- (Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A vaccination, whether or not delivered via conventional injection.
- (US, figurative) A mild verbal insult.
- To poke or thrust abruptly, or to make such a motion.
- To deliver a quick punch.
- (slang, UK) To give someone an injection.
- (slang) To vaccinate or inoculate someone.
Examples of "jab" in Sentences
- A friendly political jab is a small price to pay to avoid a ticket.
- Other infections which the injections guard against are MMR and the controversial cervical cancer jab, which is for girls only.
- Moore's parting jab is that Goss granted the interview with Moore's producers without bothering to check who they were working for.
- Besides the mandatory record label jab, all of Black Thought's punches are directed at himself, being a better man, seeking a stronger deity.
- One problem with the jab is that in some Heartland cities – whose values Jamie is supposed to stand for – Ann Taylor stores are the most stylish in town.
- But the Elián jab is more like a haymaker, replicating Alan Diaz's famous Associated Press photo of the closet invasion, with Yogi and BooBoo in the starring roles.
- I am disappointed to see that negativity upheld by Non Sequitur, but I have to admit that jab is well deserved by the slobs who use the anonymity and remoteness of the field to conduct themselves poorly.
- McMaster's jab is notable because the rest of the Republican candidates for governor – not wanting to be weighed down by the Sanford saga - have so far tread lightly when handling questions about the governor.
- I must say, though, that Americans typically manage pronunciation of "un-Englished" words better than Australians do - and much better than most British speakers, many of whom will say "Poonjab" with a second syllable like the English word "jab", not with the more correct "jahb".