
IPA: dʒˈæbɝɪŋ


  • Speech that jabbers; gibberish.

Examples of "jabbering" in Sentences

  • Everywhere he heard the same "jabbering" tongue, that Norman
  • My jabbering is the only thing keeping you from getting your Founder beta key.
  • Second, all of this "patriotic" jabbering from the likes of Cheney and Frist is so much bullshit.
  • All of the continuous jabbering from the talking heads and other debates over their decisions is just a passing fog.
  • The noises were no longer sharp screams or hoarse coughs, but a kind of jabbering jargon, as if the apes were engaged in a family confabulation.
  • The Monkey-man bored me, however; he assumed, on the strength of his five digits, that he was my equal, and was for ever jabbering at me, —jabbering the most arrant nonsense.
  • These natives showed no fear or surprise when once in the camp, and, examining our packs and saddles, sat "jabbering" away quite contented, until Breaden struck a match to light his pipe.
  • It just so happens Pamela dear, that we live in Ajijic next to a large estate where the matron owner has had peacocks in the past and owns caged loud and obnoxious parrots constatntly jabbering
  • Somewhere down the road, somebody got it into their head that kids won't watch it unless the themes are saccharine, the voices high and squawky, and there just happens to be some kind of jabbering animal wandering around.

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