IPA: dʒˈæbʌtʌkˈɑbʌ
- The evergreen Brazilian grape tree, Myrciaria cauliflora, a fruit-bearing tree native to Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.
- Its fruit, purplish-black with a white pulp, which can be eaten raw or used in jellies and drinks.
Examples of "jaboticaba" in Sentences
- She also grows jaboticaba, whose grape-like fruits make a lovely liqueur.
- Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato describes the sound of a jaboticaba kiss as “plock, pluff, pituy.”
- The Brazilian fruit photographer Silvestre Silva spent ten years searching for the white jaboticaba.
- Because the fruit grows directly on the tree trunk like some sort of sweet fungus, the best way to eat one is a “jaboticaba kiss.”
- Rescued from the brink of extinction, the white jaboticaba has been propagated, and will be bearing fruits sometime in the near future.
- “Have you ever seen a Russian guy taste a jaboticaba for the first time?” he asks, referring to a fruit that “looks like an alien embryo and tastes totally out of this world.”
- Our fruits are of exceptional quality, and we have so many kinds, including the exotic and largely untranslatable caju and jaboticaba, as well as mangos, grapes, peaches and the sweetest pineapple ever.