IPA: dʒˈækdɑ
- A European bird (Coloeus monedula) of the crow family, often nesting in church towers and ruins.
- A Daurian jackdaw, a closely related Asian bird (Coloeus dauuricus).
Examples of "jackdaw" in Sentences
- These are the crows corvidae, such as the raven, carrion crow, rook, and jackdaw.
- Are you so weak in natural history or have you forgotten that the jackdaw is a most respectable family bird!
- Are you so weak in natural history, or have you forgotten that the jackdaw is a most respectable family bird?
- A few weeks ago at the Tate Modern, my notes say “body parts on a baking tray” and “jackdaw and hooded crow skewered by arrows”.
- It proved to be a kind of jackdaw, of huge stature, which scuttled out of the opening, and disappeared into the summit of Will Tree.
- The jackdaw is a big-brained, extremely alert, very educable, loquacious bird.] [Illustration: _From Ingersoll's "The Wit of the Wild."
- Occasionally a jackdaw would rise up briefly to sit on a sheep's back, but the most persistent of these interactions involved a magpie.