
IPA: dʒˈækfrut


  • A tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus, of the Moraceae family, which produces edible fruit.
  • The large fruit from this tree.

Examples of "jackfruit" in Sentences

  • 'The jackfruit is ugly and to some people is bad tasting.
  • "The main commercial crop in the area is jackfruit, which is also the favourite food of thebears.
  • The ripe jackfruit is good to eat; although with its distinct aroma, it is something of an acquired taste.
  • Here, canned jackfruit is cooked into a quick and easy Green Jackfruit Curry by Sheela of Delectable Victuals.
  • This book looks great - trying to find relatively common fruits such as jackfruit or breadfruit fresh is tough enough.
  • Besides mulberry trees, the farm boasts a variety of fruit trees such as jackfruit, banana, papaya, starfruit, lime and others.
  • The jackfruit is a fairly rapid grower, reaching 58 ft (17.5 m) in height and 28 in (70 cm) around the trunk in 20 years in Ceylon.
  • One of the earliest descriptions of the jackfruit is to be found in the 16th century memoirs of the Mughal Emperor Babar, who was not much enamored of it:
  • He said the KVK laid thrust on income generation from locally available fruits such as jackfruit, fig, papaya, mango, etc., by utilising refined technologies.

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