IPA: dʒˈeɪdʌd
- Bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having been over exposed to, or having consumed too much of something.
- Worn out, wearied, exhausted or lacking enthusiasm, due to age or experience.
- Made callous or cynically insensitive, by experience.
Examples of "jaded" in Sentences
- I suppose the major reason I’m feeling so jaded is that the mystery has gone out of wine for me.
- An hour later and I am feeling jaded, which is not helped by the fact that I have been awake for 26 hours.
- Why do we, in jaded, post-industrial America, buy it — the handsome ne'er-do-well with the plain, hardworking spinster?
- After 20 years of reporting and writing news stories, I was well acquainted with what many call a jaded perspective, or what I call a wised-up perspective.
- The west can be described as jaded and deadened to stimuli in comparison to the h/s/c cultures with respect to sexual imagery and erotically charged situations.
- The end of it is always, or nearly, the same, and to the effect that of course we "jaded critics" do not really care about any pieces at all, and only visit the theatre because we are paid to go, and that it is awfully unfair that such "jaded" -- one cannot help insisting upon the word "jaded" -- people should be allowed to act as critics.
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