
IPA: dʒˈæmɝ


  • Any device used to jam radio reception.
  • A kind of form-fitting swimwear used by athletes, resembling shorts.
  • A musician who jams.
  • A device (e.g. a jumar) which will slide along a rope in one direction but not the other, used in rock-climbing, caving etc.
  • (roller derby) A player who attempts to score points by making their way past other players.

Examples of "jammer" in Sentences

  • Gonna quit this whammy-jammer is what I'm gonna do!
  • How does title = "jammer" cell phone phone jammer came into existence?
  • "jammer" - usually their fastest player - around the track ahead of opposition players.
  • Lochte touched in 1: 45.30 wearing a waist-to-knee "jammer" textile suit that was mandated earlier in the year.
  • One player from each team-the "jammer" - tries to lap the track and push through the pack of other rollergirls, scoring points along the way.
  • All characters are over the top, with each having a dance style and a jammer, which is basically a special move that can be used to damage opponents.
  • This song is the quintessential 80's song, and its a real "jammer" with excellent guitars, fantastic percussion, and vocals that just knock your socks off.

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