
IPA: dʒˈeɪwɔkɝ


  • (US) A person who violates pedestrian traffic regulations by crossing a street away from a designated crossing or who walks on the part of the street intended for vehicles instead of the part designated for pedestrians.

Examples of "jaywalker" in Sentences

  • In the criminal hierarchy the jaywalker is low on the list.
  • But that's like saying that an armed robber ought to be treated the same as a jaywalker.
  • But, by the way, I was ready to forgive the armed robber, so I'm not going to get all that jacked up about a jaywalker here either.
  • The jaywalker puts himself at jeopardy of imminent injury through his illegal act and has no right to directly harm someone else just to save his ownhide.
  • There is a WA law that states as soon as the walk changes to a flashing walk if a pedestrian steps into the cross walk he is a "jaywalker" and can be ticketed.
  • No cop is going to ask a jaywalker for papers, then immediately handcuff them to the next bus heading for the Mexican border as soon as he hears “Oops, left it in my otherpants”.
  • So with visions of dollar signs (Or pound signs anyway) in their heads, they basically reign in the troops if the current figures are good enough, or get them busting every jaywalker in Strathclyde, to get the “detections” up.
  • Now I can't speak for the rest of Robot 6, but I'm personally not going to judge someone who passes a file or two anymore than I'm going to judge a jaywalker or someone who walks home with a box of pens from the office supply cabinet.
  • Now, there's also the ever-popular "Let's grab a brisket and fire up the grille," "Good thing that jaywalker got ticketed, before some poor motorist was held responsible for his death," and "What's up with the number of teenage bums with dogs and cats with them?"

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