
IPA: dʒˈɛɫʌsɫi


  • In a jealous manner.

Examples of "jealously" in Sentences

  • "Fascinated!" retorted Kato, fixing on the word jealously, and refusing to be pacified by the bribery of the smile.
  • It can also be about jealously, which is the negative side of love, and how it can seize hold of the mind and soul.
  • London houses Europe's financial capital, a title jealously guarded by the U.K. but a cause of friction with the rest of Europe.
  • C ... is a title jealously preserved by Britain's spies, who delight in pointing out that he also has the privilege of signing his letters in green ink.
  • Miss Silver made some suggestion about "lessons," which Edwin jealously negatived immediately, and proposed that she and Maud should take a drive somewhere.
  • '70s nonmonogamy, the essay concluded, "This was not an individual matter, but part of a collective understanding forged through overlapping political, friendship and sexual networks, which enabled us to discuss and challenge emotional responses such as jealously and insecurity."
  • Brown recalled jealously guarding her print scoops when she was editing Vanity Fair, only to see news organizations match the story while the magazine was winding its way through the streets via snail mail to its readers. “Now it†™ s all put online and I ask myself: What is the point of buying it? †Some Hearst editors use online as a way to drive newsstand sales, said Black: “Editors have to live within two worlds. â€

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