IPA: dʒˈɛɫʌsi
- (countable, uncountable) A state of being jealous; a jealous attitude.
- (archaic) A close concern for someone or something, solicitude, vigilance.
Examples of "jealousy" in Sentences
- Hopefully you understand that the jealousy is mutual, right?
- I guess jealousy is a natural enough reaction, even for you wing-bats.
- Well the best of luck with that and my jealousy is now back with a vengeance!
- Her jealousy is enough to make Henry symbolically remove the last of his things.
- But, my jealousy is a motivation as I create events and experiences and decide who I want to hang out with in life.
- The feelings, which she described as jealousy, grew deeper when Kathlyn Ogdoc became pregnant during her sophomore year in college.
- Seems as if we actually ARE getting closer to the end of the 2 year country wide reign of the - I didn't loose the election for John McCain, the people loved me - Palin jealousy snit.
- "Ministers of the Gospel are excluded [from serving as Visitors of the county Elementary Schools] to avoid jealousy from the other sects, were the public education committed to the ministers of a particular one; and with more reason than in the case of their exclusion from the legislative and executive functions."
- These terms rid Natura of a great part of that insupportable constraint he had been under, but gave not the least satisfaction, as to his jealousy of honour; he doubted not but she would be guilty of many things, injurious in the highest degree to their public character, and which yet it would not so well become him to exert his authority in opposing, and these reflections gave him the most terrible inquietude; which shews, that though _jealousy_ is called the child of _love_, it is very possible to feel all the tortures of the