jelly bean

IPA: dʒˈɛɫibˈin


  • A small, bean-shaped, chewy candy/sweet with a firm coating and a jelly-like center, made of sugar, flavoring, coloring and sometimes starch or other thickener, and usually sold assorted in a wide variety of flavors and bright colors.


IPA: dʒˈɛɫibˈiʌn


  • Alternative spelling of jelly bean [A small, bean-shaped, chewy candy/sweet with a firm coating and a jelly-like center, made of sugar, flavoring, coloring and sometimes starch or other thickener, and usually sold assorted in a wide variety of flavors and bright colors.]


  • (slang, electronics, programming) of an electronic component, or software algorithm: generic, standard, vanilla, easy to find

Examples of "jellybean" in Sentences

    Examples of "jelly-bean" in Sentences

    • Frankly I like the organic jelly-bean shape of the concept drawing.
    • It sells Laughing Cow cheese and confectionery items such as jelly-bean brand Jelly Belly.‬
    • He couches a lot of his literary judgments in the form, "I like ...," as if he were picking out jelly-bean flavors.
    • In the 1990s, the jelly-bean shaped Ford Taurus was a big hit, selling as many as 409,000 in 1992 before being passed by Toyota's Camry and Honda's Accord.
    • A small demon trilled its freedom to the universe as the fly-sized being rose from the mirror, but I caught it in my fist and crushed it until it popped, a tiny jelly-bean of ichor.
    • Janie Shoenborn, design director for Lilly Pulitzer, has been drawn to "statement" clothing — bold, eye-catching pieces — and look-at-me prints since age 6, when she picked out a bathing suit with an all-over jelly-bean pattern.
    • Chattanooga, which was tres yum, and played games including jelly-bean relay, charades, and a variant of "telephone" or "exquisite corpse" in which players alternately wrote phrases and drew pictures based on the previous picture/phrase without seeing any of the ones before that.

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