IPA: dʒɝbˈoʊʌ
- Any of a number of species comprising most of the family Dipodidae, native to the deserts of Asia and northern Africa, being a small, jumping rodent with a long tufted tail, very small forefeet and very long hind legs.
Examples of "jerboa" in Sentences
- "No wonder that little jerboa thought us unclean, " Buncan added.
- How shocked was I that so many people knew the animal in question was a jerboa?
- As the new-comer got on his feet again my hope gained new life, and now our jerboa is my delight.
- Sauntering over, he saw that they were inspecting the wares of a very nervous jerboa vegetable seller.
- One who knows anything about the structure of animals 'bodies need not be told that the jerboa is a rodent.
- The jerboa fluttered her paws at them, the tall turban atop her head threatening to collapse at any moment.
- (most seriously) "jerboa," all small animals, even a medium-sized wallaby might seem large by contrast with a different expectation.
- There are a few others who aren't quite weird enough, such as Cantor's Giant Soft-Shelled Turtle, the Long-eared jerboa, or Pink fairy Armadillos, but they're definitely strange.
- a marsupial which lives in thick, dark forests, where it feeds upon leaves and fruit; and the tarsier, a kind of jerboa, a very harmless, inoffensive little animal with reddish-coloured hair, about the size of a rat, but whose body bears some resemblance to that of an ape.