IPA: dʒˈɝk
- A sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body.
- A quick tug or shake.
- (originally Canada, US, slang, derogatory) A person with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behavior, typically mean, self-centered, or disagreeable; an arsehole.
- (US, slang, derogatory) A stupid person; an idiot or fool.
- (weightlifting) A lift in which the weight is taken with a quick motion from shoulder height to a position above the head with arms fully extended and held there for a brief time.
- (slang) An act of male masturbation.
- (preceded by definite article) A dance, popular in Western culture in the 1960s, in which the head and upper body is thrown forwards regularly to the beat of the music.
- (physics, engineering) The rate of change in acceleration with respect to time.
- (US, obsolete) A soda jerk.
- (Caribbean, Jamaica) A rich, spicy Jamaican marinade.
- (Caribbean, Jamaica) Meat (or sometimes vegetables) cured by jerking, in which it is coated in spices and slow-cooked over a fire or grill traditionally composed of green pimento wood positioned over burning coals; charqui.
- (intransitive) To make a sudden uncontrolled movement.
- (transitive) To give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake.
- (US, slang, vulgar) To masturbate.
- (obsolete) To beat, to hit.
- (obsolete) To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand.
- (usually transitive, weightlifting) To lift using a jerk.
- (obsolete) To flout with contempt.
- To cure (meat) by cutting it into strips and drying it, originally in the sun.
Examples of "jerk" in Sentences
- Apparently, being a jerk is as addictive as heroin.
- And using the word jerk is generous, compared to my real thoughts
- Being a jerk is almost a pre-requisite to being one of my all-time favorites.
- Note to editor: If I can't say the word 'jackass' substitute the word 'jerk', but I really do mean 'jackass'.
- This jerk is a man in a hurry, a “strong man” who has limited time in which to accomplish the decline of America.
- I can think of one certain "jerk" in Ajijic that continues to complain about how little he receives for the minimal taxes that he pays.
- This jerk is acting with as much impunity against his constituients, and the Republican party, as the O is acting against the will of the American people.
- January 2nd, 2010 10: 59 am ET this jerk is a republican with an agenda of NO and nothing else he is racist biggoted and out right lier. should have to step down. like most of the republicans are taking a big risk on every thing being NO NO NO it might come back and bight them in the ass ..