IPA: dʒˈɛstɝ
- One who jests, jokes or teases.
- A person in colourful garb and fool's cap who amused a medieval and early modern royal or noble court.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Southeast Asian genus Symbrenthia.
- A surname.
Examples of "jester" in Sentences
- A shame, as the jester is the only sane one in the court.
- The court jester is the canary in the cage, giving us all fair warning of what could be.
- In that sense—and that sense only—having Mr. Penn on stage as the jester is a mark of progress.
- The jester is the guy that can be heard making jokes no matter where he is standing on the field.
- You know, and they used to say that the jester is the only person who could tell the truth to the king.
- If a jester is beaten up, says the thirteenth-century law concerning such people, it shall not be counted an offence.
- Here your attendant, "pointing to the jester," is but the King's fool, though he is a merry fellow who will be at your bidding, and be a good friend at court. "