IPA: dʒˈɪɫt
- A woman who jilts a lover.
- (transitive) To cast off capriciously or unfeelingly, as a lover; to deceive in love.
Examples of "jilt" in Sentences
- Rather than jilt the lads, another finale was added for Jan. 13.
- To "jilt," to throw or dash water on a person; "gellock" (gavelock), an iron lever or crowbar.
- "I am to request you will not use the word 'jilt' and Miss Ashton's name together," said Bucklaw, gravely.
- To which one might say: "Oh stop putting up with it, Kate, and if you ever get the chance, jilt the arrogant blighter."
- When air travel nosedives, as it did over the past two years, carriers jilt airports by dropping routes and frequencies.
- Clearly, the bureaucrats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were scared by the political pressure to jilt the United States.
- You really -- Oh! my dear Lady Trant, this must not go farther -- and positively the word jilt must never be used again; for I'm confident it is quite inapplicable. "
- But the Man whom the gadfly Flory page used as a jilt allways do, turn'd him off without sense or feeling, has determind it seems to have one of the family, and has strap'd himself for life to her Sister Nancy!